Bayleaf Master

The Division of Water Resources (DWR) provides the data contained within this Local Water Supply Plan (LWSP) as a courtesy and service to our customers. DWR staff does not field verify data. Neither DWR, nor any other party involved in the preparation of this LWSP attests that the data is completely free of errors and omissions. Furthermore, data users are cautioned that LWSPs labeled PROVISIONAL have yet to be reviewed by DWR staff. Subsequent review may result in significant revision. Questions regarding the accuracy or limitations of usage of this data should be directed to the water system and/or DWR.

1. System Information

Contact Information


Water System Name: Bayleaf Master   PWSID: 03-92-373
Mailing Address:202 Mackenan Court
Cary, NC 27511
Contact Person:Shannon BeckerTitle:President
Secondary Contact:Brent Milliron Phone:--
Mailing Address:202 MacKenan Court
Cary, NC 27511
Distribution System
Line Type Size Range (Inches) Estimated % of lines
Polyvinyl Chloride 2 3.53 %
Polyvinyl Chloride 3 1.82 %
Polyvinyl Chloride 4 18.49 %
Polyvinyl Chloride 8 16.81 %
Polyvinyl Chloride 6 50.48 %
Polyvinyl Chloride 10 2.52 %
Polyvinyl Chloride 12 6.35 %
What are the estimated total miles of distribution system lines?   163 Miles
How many feet of distribution lines were replaced during 2023?   165 Feet
How many feet of new water mains were added during 2023?   0 Feet
How many meters were replaced in 2023?   174
How old are the oldest meters in this system?   21 Year(s)
How many meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, are not billed for sewer services?   0
What is this system's finished water storage capacity?   1.8690 Million Gallons
Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system since last update? Line breaks that were repaired quickly should not be included.   No
Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants?   Yes, Annually
Does this system have a valve exercise program?   No, As Needed
Does this system have a cross-connection program?   Yes
Does this system have a program to replace meters?   Yes
Does this system have a plumbing retrofit program?   No
Does this system have an active water conservation public education program?   Yes
Does this system have a leak detection program?   No
Water Conservation
What type of rate structure is used?   Increasing Block
How much reclaimed water does this system use?   0.0000 MGD   For how many connections?   0
Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency?   No

2. Water Use Information

Service Area
Sub-Basin(s)% of Service Population
Neuse River (10-1)100 %
County(s)% of Service Population
Wake100 %
What was the year-round population served in 2023?   15,585
Has this system acquired another system since last report?   No
Water Use by Type
Type of Use Metered
Average Use (MGD)
Estimated Use (MGD)
Residential 6,637 1.4160 0 0.0000
Commercial 467 0.0854 0 0.0000
Industrial 0 0.0000 0 0.0000
Institutional 0 0.0000 0 0.0000

How much water was used for system processes (backwash, line cleaning, flushing, etc.)?   0.0392 MGD

3. Water Supply Sources

Monthly Withdrawals & Purchases
Average Daily
Use (MGD)
Max Day
Use (MGD)
Average Daily
Use (MGD)
Max Day
Use (MGD)
Average Daily
Use (MGD)
Max Day
Use (MGD)
Jan 1.2755 1.5091 May 1.6570 1.9338 Sep 2.0077 2.4320
Feb 1.2105 1.3399 Jun 2.1790 2.5842 Oct 1.9962 2.4671
Mar 1.3267 1.9300 Jul 2.2409 2.5346 Nov 1.4212 1.7818
Apr 1.3170 1.4942 Aug 2.3207 2.7503 Dec 1.0787 1.8630

Ground Water Sources
Name or Number Average Daily Withdrawal (MGD) Max Day Withdrawal (MGD) 12-Hour Supply
CUA Reduction Year Offline Use Type
MGD Days Used
Adams Mountain 1 0.0026 365 0.0440 Regular
Adams Mountain 2 0.0121 365 0.0560 Regular
Adams Mountain 3 0.0064 331 0.0130 Regular
Avalaire #8 P1G 0.0151 365 0.0300 Regular
Banbury Woods 01 P35 0.0192 365 0.0290 Regular
Barton Creek Bluffs 01 P64 0.0058 299 0.0200 Regular
Barton Creek Bluffs 06 P65 0.0023 365 0.0570 Regular
Barton Creek Bluffs 07 P66 0.0080 365 0.0120 Regular
Barton Creek Bluffs 08 P8B 0.0050 365 0.0120 Regular
Barton Creek Bluffs 10 P67 0.0064 365 0.0110 Regular
Barton Creek Bluffs 12 P9B 0.0200 365 0.0310 Regular
Barton Creek Bluffs 15 P1C 0.0118 330 0.0210 Regular
Barton Creek Overlook 1 P68 0.0174 365 0.0270 Regular
Barton Creek Overlook 2 P69 0.0065 365 0.0160 Regular
Bayleaf Farms 01 P54 0.0233 359 0.0840 Regular
Baytree 1 P03 0.0099 348 0.0210 Regular
Boulder Creek 2 P70 0.0181 365 0.0240 Regular
Boulder Creek 5 P71 0.0127 365 0.0100 Regular
Bridgepoint - Stone Creek 07 0.0068 249 0.0130 Regular
Bridgepoint Stone Creek 06 P31 0.0079 350 0.0200 Regular
Bridgepoint Stone Creek 08 P33 0.0269 365 0.0790 Regular
Brinleys Cove W-1 P1F 0.0337 365 0.0070 Regular
Buckingham Manor 3 P58 0.0102 311 0.0140 Regular
Byrum Woods 2 P2B 0.0159 365 0.0190 Regular
Byrum Woods 3 P73 0.0069 315 0.0090 Regular
Carlyle Manor 1 P49 0.0102 365 0.0530 Regular
Carlyle Manor 4A P3B 0.0156 365 0.0120 Regular
Carlyle Manor 6 P60 0.0245 365 0.0570 Regular
Carlyle Manor 7 0.0420 365 0.0130 Regular
Carmel Forest 1 P04 0.0076 365 0.0280 Regular
Chatsworth 2 P43 0.0079 341 0.0200 Regular
Chatsworth 5 P46 0.0200 204 0.0100 Regular
Chatsworth 6 P52 0.0071 365 0.0200 Regular
Chatsworth 7 P9A 0.0336 365 0.0120 Regular
Chestnut Oaks at Barton 2 P74 0.0315 365 0.0760 Regular
Coachmans Trail 01 P06 0.0144 365 0.0490 Regular
Coachmans Trail 2 P07 0.0202 365 0.0180 Regular
Coachmans Trail 3 P08 0.0370 365 0.0690 Regular
Coachmen Well #4 P09B 0.0170 358 0.4320 Regular
Creedmore Village 14 P2C 0.0164 247 0.0080 Regular
Crossgate 01 P05 0.0094 365 0.0140 Regular
Crossgate 3 P36 0.0112 365 0.0320 Regular
Devon 1 P56 0.0356 358 0.0720 Regular
Devon 3 P57 0.0250 352 0.2520 Regular
Enclave of Barton Crk 14 P7A 0.0073 365 0.0080 Regular
Enclave of Barton Crk 18 P75 0.0113 349 0.0120 Regular
Ethans Glen 1 P96 0.0055 361 0.0070 Regular
Ethans Glen 10 0.0003 17 0.0100 Regular
Ethans Glen 15 P96 0.0000 0 0.0220 Regular
Ethans Glen 17 P5A 0.0041 300 0.0040 Regular
Ethans Glen 18 0.0035 347 0.0070 Regular
Ethans Glen 19 0.0076 359 0.0130 Regular
Ethans Glen 20 0.0040 359 0.0080 Regular
Ethans Glen 21 P98 0.0039 365 0.0070 Regular
Ethans Glen 22 P99 0.0417 365 0.0780 Regular
Faircroft Well #2 P61 0.0002 44 0.0560 Regular
Forestbrook 01 P10 0.0141 365 0.0190 Regular
George Grant-Well 1 P7B 0.0285 365 0.0750 Regular
Georges Grant Well #2 P1E 0.0263 365 0.0430 Regular
Hawthorne 1 P76 0.0000 0 0.0180 Regular
Hawthorne 3 P77 0.0075 365 0.0130 Regular
Hawthorne 4 P77 0.0170 365 0.0700 Regular
Hawthorne 5 P79 0.0071 336 0.0100 Regular
Hawthorne 6 P80 0.0399 365 0.0570 Regular
Hawthorne 7 P77 0.0064 365 0.0120 Regular
Hawthorne 8 P81 0.0069 365 0.0470 Regular
Heritage Point 01 P26 0.0078 365 0.0580 Regular
Hunters Landing 01 P1B 0.0102 365 0.0290 Regular
Hunters Landing 2 P47 0.0049 344 0.0120 Regular
Hunters Landing 3 -P48 0.0069 365 0.0120 Regular
Martindale 3 P19 0.0072 365 0.0430 Regular
Mt Vernon Crossing - Well 4 P9 0.0354 365 0.1000 Regular
MT Vernon Well 2 -P9F 0.0102 365 0.0500 Regular
Mt Vernon Well 5 P9E 0.0100 365 0.5000 Regular
Normandy Glen Well #1 P6C 0.0100 330 0.0150 Regular
Norwood Crest 01 P59 0.0031 365 0.0070 Regular
Olde Creedmoor 3 P82 0.0059 365 0.0080 Regular
Olde Creedmoor 4 P83 0.0134 365 0.0120 Regular
Olde Creedmoor 5 P84 0.0069 365 0.0100 Regular
Papillion - Well 3 P9H 0.0232 365 0.5000 Regular
Papillon-Well-2 0.0067 365 0.5000 Regular
Park Ridge 01 P27 0.0057 356 0.0100 Regular
Parker Falls North- Well-1 P9C 0.0121 365 0.2500 Regular
Parker Falls North- Well-2 0.0000 0 0.1000 Regular
Parker Falls Well-1 P01 0.0099 345 0.5000 Regular
Raven Creek 01 P13 0.0109 365 0.0430 Regular
Raven Creek 2 P14 0.0074 365 0.0180 Regular
Ravenridge 2a R2A 0.0000 0 0.0000 Regular
Ravenridge 2b R2B 0.0000 0 0.0000 Regular
Ravens Creek #6 0.0000 0 0.0200 Regular
Ravenwood Well #1 P1A 0.0006 7 0.0250 Regular
Rose Hall 2 P6A 0.0059 365 0.0350 Regular
Seville Well #1 P4B 0.0138 304 0.0420 Regular
Shannon Woods 04 0.0224 128 0.0550 Regular
Sheffield Estates 7 P42 0.0081 365 0.0130 Regular
Sheffield Manor 01 P38 0.0108 365 0.0220 Regular
Sheffield Manor 2 P39 0.0000 10 0.0060 Regular
Sheffield Manor 3 P40 0.0335 365 0.0200 Regular
Sheffield Place 9 P45 0.0271 294 0.0460 Regular
Somerset Well #1 P4A 0.0199 365 0.0320 Regular
Southern Hills Well 2 P1H 0.0085 355 0.0300 Regular
Still Creek Run Well #6 0.0199 0 0.0320 Regular
Stone Creek - 18 P30 0.0200 357 0.2520 Regular
Stonebridge I-II 14 P37 0.0077 365 0.0260 Regular
Stonebridge I-II 15 P55 0.0148 317 0.0580 Regular
Stonebridge I-II 17 P62 0.0386 297 0.0880 Regular
Stonebridge I-II 2 P23 0.0209 365 0.0820 Regular
Stonebridge I-II 3 P24 0.0118 365 0.0200 Regular
Stonebridge I-II 4 P6B 0.0079 247 0.0120 Regular
Stonebridge I-II 5 P25 0.0102 256 0.0660 Regular
Sutton Estates 01 P15 0.0121 365 0.0240 Regular
Swans Mill 01 P16 0.0342 357 0.0580 Regular
Swans Mill 2 P18 0.0081 358 0.0140 Regular
Swans Mill 3 P21 0.0323 365 0.0830 Regular
Swans Mill 4 P53 0.0328 365 0.0700 Regular
The Barony 5 P63 0.0303 365 0.0100 Regular
The Reserve Falls Lake #3 P1J 0.0052 365 0.0010 Regular
Timberline North 01 P17 0.0083 284 0.0300 Regular
Woods of Tiffany 9 P34 0.0214 365 0.0720 Regular
Woodvalley 1 P85 0.0054 365 0.0360 Regular
Woodvalley 11 P93 0.0000 7 0.0210 Regular
Woodvalley 12 P94 0.0083 365 0.0310 Regular
Woodvalley 13 P95 0.0095 360 0.0220 Regular
Woodvalley 2 P86 0.0063 365 0.0100 Regular
Woodvalley 4 P87 0.0077 365 0.0430 Regular
Woodvalley 5 P88 0.0103 363 0.0100 Regular
Woodvalley 6 P89 0.0031 337 0.0050 Regular
Woodvalley 7 P90 0.0162 365 0.0130 Regular
Woodvalley 8 P91 0.0175 360 0.0710 Regular
Woodvalley 9 P92 0.0137 359 0.0270 Regular
Ground Water Sources (continued)
Name or Number Well Depth (Feet) Casing Depth
Screen Depth (Feet) Well Diameter (Inches) Pump Intake Depth (Feet) Metered?
Top Bottom
Adams Mountain 1 692 6 210 Yes
Adams Mountain 2 536 85 6 315 Yes
Adams Mountain 3 680 130 6 231 Yes
Avalaire #8 P1G Yes
Banbury Woods 01 P35 618 52 6 231 Yes
Barton Creek Bluffs 01 P64 505 23 6 273 Yes
Barton Creek Bluffs 06 P65 505 80 6 231 Yes
Barton Creek Bluffs 07 P66 650 108 6 315 Yes
Barton Creek Bluffs 08 P8B 784 130 40 6 315 Yes
Barton Creek Bluffs 10 P67 765 80 6 315 Yes
Barton Creek Bluffs 12 P9B 680 87 6 273 Yes
Barton Creek Bluffs 15 P1C 705 74 6 231 Yes
Barton Creek Overlook 1 P68 267 6 189 Yes
Barton Creek Overlook 2 P69 407 23 6 231 Yes
Bayleaf Farms 01 P54 666 67 6 252 Yes
Baytree 1 P03 400 28 6 273 Yes
Boulder Creek 2 P70 505 84 6 210 Yes
Boulder Creek 5 P71 385 78 6 105 Yes
Bridgepoint - Stone Creek 07 375 48 6 357 Yes
Bridgepoint Stone Creek 06 P31 692 69 6 357 Yes
Bridgepoint Stone Creek 08 P33 705 42 8 210 Yes
Brinleys Cove W-1 P1F 705 252 Yes
Buckingham Manor 3 P58 605 83 6 378 Yes
Byrum Woods 2 P2B 410 6 336 Yes
Byrum Woods 3 P73 713 65 6 399 Yes
Carlyle Manor 1 P49 605 61 6 378 Yes
Carlyle Manor 4A P3B 623 78 6 378 Yes
Carlyle Manor 6 P60 565 6 378 Yes
Carlyle Manor 7 625 336 Yes
Carmel Forest 1 P04 600 44 6 273 Yes
Chatsworth 2 P43 705 122 6 273 Yes
Chatsworth 5 P46 465 123 6 357 Yes
Chatsworth 6 P52 805 6 357 Yes
Chatsworth 7 P9A 780 130 8 463 Yes
Chestnut Oaks at Barton 2 P74 605 94 6 84 Yes
Coachmans Trail 01 P06 142 6 105 Yes
Coachmans Trail 2 P07 347 58 6 294 Yes
Coachmans Trail 3 P08 605 50 6 273 Yes
Coachmen Well #4 P09B Yes
Creedmore Village 14 P2C Yes
Crossgate 01 P05 410 60 6 275 Yes
Crossgate 3 P36 505 83 6 336 Yes
Devon 1 P56 497 69 6 336 Yes
Devon 3 P57 372 77 6 336 Yes
Enclave of Barton Crk 14 P7A 805 83 6 84 Yes
Enclave of Barton Crk 18 P75 360 128 6 252 Yes
Ethans Glen 1 P96 805 89 6 441 Yes
Ethans Glen 10 865 78 6 Yes
Ethans Glen 15 P96 985 70 6 483 Yes
Ethans Glen 17 P5A 757 66 6 462 Yes
Ethans Glen 18 805 63 6 462 Yes
Ethans Glen 19 905 125 6 651 Yes
Ethans Glen 20 905 125 6 378 Yes
Ethans Glen 21 P98 6 399 Yes
Ethans Glen 22 P99 725 82 6 399 Yes
Faircroft Well #2 P61 680 83 6 420 Yes
Forestbrook 01 P10 360 84 6 231 Yes
George Grant-Well 1 P7B 675 80 6 252 Yes
Georges Grant Well #2 P1E Yes
Hawthorne 1 P76 400 6 252 Yes
Hawthorne 3 P77 486 6 399 Yes
Hawthorne 4 P77 415 6 378 Yes
Hawthorne 5 P79 605 6 315 Yes
Hawthorne 6 P80 470 52 6 210 Yes
Hawthorne 7 P77 610 46 6 105 Yes
Hawthorne 8 P81 645 107 6 189 Yes
Heritage Point 01 P26 495 6 420 Yes
Hunters Landing 01 P1B 414 6 294 Yes
Hunters Landing 2 P47 515 46 6 336 Yes
Hunters Landing 3 -P48 354 61 6 252 Yes
Martindale 3 P19 650 72 6 441 Yes
Mt Vernon Crossing - Well 4 P9 Yes
MT Vernon Well 2 -P9F Yes
Mt Vernon Well 5 P9E Yes
Normandy Glen Well #1 P6C 803 378 Yes
Norwood Crest 01 P59 700 83 6 252 Yes
Olde Creedmoor 3 P82 600 102 6 210 Yes
Olde Creedmoor 4 P83 645 90 6 210 Yes
Olde Creedmoor 5 P84 805 84 6 441 Yes
Papillion - Well 3 P9H Yes
Papillon-Well-2 Yes
Park Ridge 01 P27 480 6 231 Yes
Parker Falls North- Well-1 P9C Yes
Parker Falls North- Well-2 Yes
Parker Falls Well-1 P01 Yes
Raven Creek 01 P13 400 42 6 210 Yes
Raven Creek 2 P14 555 32 6 231 Yes
Ravenridge 2a R2A 380 55 6 273 Yes
Ravenridge 2b R2B 560 55 6 462 Yes
Ravens Creek #6 Yes
Ravenwood Well #1 P1A 435 48 6 336 Yes
Rose Hall 2 P6A 350 6 273 Yes
Seville Well #1 P4B 500 79 6 84 Yes
Shannon Woods 04 330 6 273 Yes
Sheffield Estates 7 P42 565 88 6 189 Yes
Sheffield Manor 01 P38 325 84 6 210 Yes
Sheffield Manor 2 P39 395 42 6 315 Yes
Sheffield Manor 3 P40 220 62 6 189 Yes
Sheffield Place 9 P45 765 82 6 273 Yes
Somerset Well #1 P4A 400 6 147 Yes
Southern Hills Well 2 P1H Yes
Still Creek Run Well #6 805 78 6 441 Yes
Stone Creek - 18 P30 525 60 8 126 Yes
Stonebridge I-II 14 P37 705 106 6 252 Yes
Stonebridge I-II 15 P55 705 70 6 273 Yes
Stonebridge I-II 17 P62 425 101 6 294 Yes
Stonebridge I-II 2 P23 385 27 6 147 Yes
Stonebridge I-II 3 P24 498 49 6 399 Yes
Stonebridge I-II 4 P6B 700 6 294 Yes
Stonebridge I-II 5 P25 765 6 315 Yes
Sutton Estates 01 P15 500 86 6 294 Yes
Swans Mill 01 P16 472 32 6 210 Yes
Swans Mill 2 P18 549 84 6 273 Yes
Swans Mill 3 P21 400 88 6 252 Yes
Swans Mill 4 P53 380 64 6 315 Yes
The Barony 5 P63 425 6 231 Yes
The Reserve Falls Lake #3 P1J Yes
Timberline North 01 P17 360 50 6 252 Yes
Woods of Tiffany 9 P34 420 21 6 294 Yes
Woodvalley 1 P85 425 6 252 Yes
Woodvalley 11 P93 365 6 335 Yes
Woodvalley 12 P94 660 64 6 63 Yes
Woodvalley 13 P95 660 64 6 147 Yes
Woodvalley 2 P86 347 63 6 294 Yes
Woodvalley 4 P87 305 6 252 Yes
Woodvalley 5 P88 292 63 6 292 Yes
Woodvalley 6 P89 332 63 6 294 Yes
Woodvalley 7 P90 539 42 6 420 Yes
Woodvalley 8 P91 380 39 6 315 Yes
Woodvalley 9 P92 650 31 6 273 Yes
Are ground water levels monitored?   Yes, As Needed
Does this system have a wellhead protection program?   No

4. Wastewater Information

Monthly Discharges
Average Daily
Discharge (MGD)
Average Daily
Discharge (MGD)
Average Daily
Discharge (MGD)
Jan 0.1350 May 0.1051 Sep 0.1332
Feb 0.1211 Jun 0.1120 Oct 0.1128
Mar 0.1469 Jul 0.1012 Nov 0.1135
Apr 0.1184 Aug 0.1162 Dec 0.1393

How many sewer connections does this system have?   821
How many water service connections with septic systems does this system have?   5,343
Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years?   No

We are currently at 50% design capacity at the Hawthorne Wastewater facility.

Wastewater Permits
Permit Number Type Permitted Capacity
Design Capacity
Average Annual
Daily Discharge
Maximum Day Discharge
Receiving Stream Receiving Basin
NC0049662 WWTP 0.2500 0.2500 0.1212 1.4000 Upper Barton Creek Neuse River (10-1)

5. Planning

  2023 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
Year-Round Population 15,585 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000
Seasonal Population 0 0 0 0 0 0
Residential 1.4160 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000
Commercial 0.0854 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000
Industrial 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Institutional 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
System Process 0.0392 0.0400 0.0400 0.0400 0.0400 0.0400
Unaccounted-for 0.1011 0.1076 0.1076 0.1076 0.1076 0.1076
Demand v/s Percent of Supply
  2023 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
Surface Water Supply 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Ground Water Supply 6.9320 6.9320 6.9320 6.9320 6.9320 6.9320
Purchases 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Future Supplies 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Total Available Supply (MGD) 6.9320 6.9320 6.9320 6.9320 6.9320 6.9320
Service Area Demand 1.6417 1.7476 1.7476 1.7476 1.7476 1.7476
Sales 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Future Sales 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Total Demand (MGD) 1.6417 1.7476 1.7476 1.7476 1.7476 1.7476
Demand as Percent of Supply 24% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%

The purpose of the above chart is to show a general indication of how the long-term per capita water demand changes over time. The per capita water demand may actually be different than indicated due to seasonal populations and the accuracy of data submitted. Water systems that have calculated long-term per capita water demand based on a methodology that produces different results may submit their information in the notes field.

Your long-term water demand is 91 gallons per capita per day. What demand management practices do you plan to implement to reduce the per capita water demand (i.e. conduct regular water audits, implement a plumbing retrofit program, employ practices such as rainwater harvesting or reclaimed water)? If these practices are covered elsewhere in your plan, indicate where the practices are discussed here.    

Are there other demand management practices you will implement to reduce your future supply needs?   

What supplies other than the ones listed in future supplies are being considered to meet your future supply needs?   

How does the water system intend to implement the demand management and supply planning components above?   

Additional Information

Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning?  No

What major water supply reports or studies were used for planning?  

Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.) or your ability to meet present and future water needs. Include both quantity and quality considerations, as well as financial, technical, managerial, permitting, and compliance issues:   

The Division of Water Resources (DWR) provides the data contained within this Local Water Supply Plan (LWSP) as a courtesy and service to our customers. DWR staff does not field verify data. Neither DWR, nor any other party involved in the preparation of this LWSP attests that the data is completely free of errors and omissions. Furthermore, data users are cautioned that LWSPs labeled PROVISIONAL have yet to be reviewed by DWR staff. Subsequent review may result in significant revision. Questions regarding the accuracy or limitations of usage of this data should be directed to the water system and/or DWR.