
The Division of Water Resources (DWR) provides the data contained within this Local Water Supply Plan (LWSP) as a courtesy and service to our customers. DWR staff does not field verify data. Neither DWR, nor any other party involved in the preparation of this LWSP attests that the data is completely free of errors and omissions. Furthermore, data users are cautioned that LWSPs labeled PROVISIONAL have yet to be reviewed by DWR staff. Subsequent review may result in significant revision. Questions regarding the accuracy or limitations of usage of this data should be directed to the water system and/or DWR.

1. System Information

Contact Information


Water System Name: Littleton   PWSID: 04-42-028
Mailing Address:P.O. Box 87
Littleton, NC 27850
Contact Person:Luke ComptonTitle:Public Utilities Director
Secondary Contact:Bobby Cavenaugh Phone:336-780-0707
Mailing Address:
, NC
Distribution System
Line Type Size Range (Inches) Estimated % of lines
Asbestos Cement 6-12 30.00 %
Cast Iron 6-8 40.00 %
Galvanized Iron 1-2 5.00 %
Polyvinyl Chloride 6-8 25.00 %
What are the estimated total miles of distribution system lines?   13 Miles
How many feet of distribution lines were replaced during 2023?   0 Feet
How many feet of new water mains were added during 2023?   0 Feet
How many meters were replaced in 2023?   102
How old are the oldest meters in this system?   10 Year(s)
How many meters for outdoor water use, such as irrigation, are not billed for sewer services?   6
What is this system's finished water storage capacity?   0.3000 Million Gallons
Has water pressure been inadequate in any part of the system since last update? Line breaks that were repaired quickly should not be included.   No

We are in the process of changing out meters, which has improved our accounted for water.

Does this system have a program to work or flush hydrants?   Yes, Quarterly
Does this system have a valve exercise program?   Yes, As Needed
Does this system have a cross-connection program?   No
Does this system have a program to replace meters?   Yes
Does this system have a plumbing retrofit program?   Yes
Does this system have an active water conservation public education program?   Yes
Does this system have a leak detection program?   No

We monitor for leaks during our daily routines and we use NCRWA as needed.

Water Conservation
What type of rate structure is used?   Flat/Fixed
How much reclaimed water does this system use?   0.0000 MGD   For how many connections?   0
Does this system have an interconnection with another system capable of providing water in an emergency?   Yes

2. Water Use Information

Service Area
Sub-Basin(s)% of Service Population
Fishing Creek (15-2)90 %
Roanoke River (14-1)10 %
County(s)% of Service Population
Halifax100 %
What was the year-round population served in 2023?   1,520
Has this system acquired another system since last report?   No
Water Use by Type
Type of Use Metered
Average Use (MGD)
Estimated Use (MGD)
Residential 475 0.0554 0 0.0000
Commercial 83 0.0079 0 0.0000
Industrial 3 0.0007 0 0.0000
Institutional 0 0.0000 0 0.0000

How much water was used for system processes (backwash, line cleaning, flushing, etc.)?   0.0080 MGD

The Residential mgd is less than 2022 LWSP report. We suspect that replacing meters is a contributor to this

Water Sales
Purchaser PWSID Average
Daily Sold
Contract Required to
comply with water
use restrictions?
Pipe Size(s)
MGD Expiration Recurring
Warren County 02-93-015 0.0000 0 1.5000 2099 Yes Yes 8 Emergency

3. Water Supply Sources

Monthly Withdrawals & Purchases
Average Daily
Use (MGD)
Max Day
Use (MGD)
Average Daily
Use (MGD)
Max Day
Use (MGD)
Average Daily
Use (MGD)
Max Day
Use (MGD)
Jan 0.0564 May 0.0803 Sep 0.0946
Feb 0.0728 Jun 0.0988 Oct 0.0881
Mar 0.0907 Jul 0.1066 Nov 0.1003
Apr 0.0707 Aug 0.1240 Dec 0.0731

Water Purchases From Other Systems
Seller PWSID Average
Daily Purchased
Contract Required to
comply with water
use restrictions?
Pipe Size(s)
MGD Expiration Recurring
Halifax County 04-42-040 0.0878 366 0.1500 2031 Yes Yes 10 Regular
Warren County 02-93-015 0.0000 0 0.0000 2099 Yes Yes 8 Emergency

4. Wastewater Information

Monthly Discharges
Average Daily
Discharge (MGD)
Average Daily
Discharge (MGD)
Average Daily
Discharge (MGD)
Jan 0.0842 May 0.0520 Sep 0.0364
Feb 0.0899 Jun 0.0375 Oct 0.0610
Mar 0.0562 Jul 0.0450 Nov 0.0338
Apr 0.0910 Aug 0.0353 Dec 0.0914

How many sewer connections does this system have?   553
How many water service connections with septic systems does this system have?   58
Are there plans to build or expand wastewater treatment facilities in the next 10 years?   No
Wastewater Permits
Permit Number Type Permitted Capacity
Design Capacity
Average Annual
Daily Discharge
Maximum Day Discharge
Receiving Stream Receiving Basin
NC0025691 WWTP 0.2800 0.2800 0.0586 1.0000 Butterwood Creek Tar River (15-1)

5. Planning

  2023 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
Year-Round Population 1,520 1,646 1,818 1,988 2,175 2,379
Seasonal Population 0 0 0 0 0 0
Residential 0.0554 0.0571 0.0609 0.0647 0.0688 0.0733
Commercial 0.0079 0.0108 0.0119 0.0130 0.0142 0.0155
Industrial 0.0007 0.0008 0.0008 0.0009 0.0010 0.0011
Institutional 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
System Process 0.0080 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100
Unaccounted-for 0.0160 0.0175 0.0186 0.0197 0.0209 0.0222
Demand v/s Percent of Supply
  2023 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
Surface Water Supply 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Ground Water Supply 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Purchases 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500
Future Supplies 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Total Available Supply (MGD) 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500 0.1500
Service Area Demand 0.0880 0.0962 0.1022 0.1083 0.1149 0.1221
Sales 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Future Sales 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Total Demand (MGD) 0.0880 0.0962 0.1022 0.1083 0.1149 0.1221
Demand as Percent of Supply 59% 64% 68% 72% 77% 81%

The purpose of the above chart is to show a general indication of how the long-term per capita water demand changes over time. The per capita water demand may actually be different than indicated due to seasonal populations and the accuracy of data submitted. Water systems that have calculated long-term per capita water demand based on a methodology that produces different results may submit their information in the notes field.

Your long-term water demand is 36 gallons per capita per day. What demand management practices do you plan to implement to reduce the per capita water demand (i.e. conduct regular water audits, implement a plumbing retrofit program, employ practices such as rainwater harvesting or reclaimed water)? If these practices are covered elsewhere in your plan, indicate where the practices are discussed here.    No Changes

Are there other demand management practices you will implement to reduce your future supply needs?   No Changes

What supplies other than the ones listed in future supplies are being considered to meet your future supply needs?   No Changes

How does the water system intend to implement the demand management and supply planning components above?   No Changes

Additional Information

Has this system participated in regional water supply or water use planning?  No

What major water supply reports or studies were used for planning?  

Please describe any other needs or issues regarding your water supply sources, any water system deficiencies or needed improvements (storage, treatment, etc.) or your ability to meet present and future water needs. Include both quantity and quality considerations, as well as financial, technical, managerial, permitting, and compliance issues:   

The Division of Water Resources (DWR) provides the data contained within this Local Water Supply Plan (LWSP) as a courtesy and service to our customers. DWR staff does not field verify data. Neither DWR, nor any other party involved in the preparation of this LWSP attests that the data is completely free of errors and omissions. Furthermore, data users are cautioned that LWSPs labeled PROVISIONAL have yet to be reviewed by DWR staff. Subsequent review may result in significant revision. Questions regarding the accuracy or limitations of usage of this data should be directed to the water system and/or DWR.